domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

Open House of Amazonas High School

Open House of Amazonas High School

Hugo´s Blog´s 

The prestigious Amazonas High School is celebrating 55 years of foundation and as in every year, is celebrated in different courses of the institution, making several expositions on a given topic and also depends on the day that corresponds to the area or subject.
The opening of the Cultural Days of Amazonas College was on Friday, 20 May 2016, beginning with the presentation of the cheerleaders of the then institution Student and special groups Banda, that day I touch the area of physical culture and social sciences both gave shows and interesting presentations.
The area of physical culture introduced us a demonstration of parkour on the courts of the institution the presentation was magnificent, the area of Social Sciences showed a series of dance performances with traditional Ecuadorian music and with a little help from the teacher of English that is good people everything went perfect.

On Monday, May 23, the turn was the subject of English and at 10:30 on the 2nd course - I was given showed a series of exhibitions was more tourist about our country, places where we can visit and have a good experience, they told us places of our Coast, Sierra and Amazonia.

The presentations given that day were well prepared and very striking, since they gave us some information about a culture of our country and we showed a choreography of the subject they were trying, everything was very smart and well prepared.

Open House of the subject of English, I really liked because all students had prepared their lines and have made clear, all numbers were prepared perfectly, what they told us was concrete and very interesting to know a little more of the Tourist places in our country is good, I really liked.

What I did not like about the open house English was that there was plenty of sunshine and in the course we met was very narrow and had many people watching what you explained to us and among all those people the heat was much more intense, it was unbearable to be there, but to take notes was necessary to be there.

Open House English was very interesting, we got information places in our country that we visit, the dances they presented were well organized and highly coordinated with the song, the way to express was well prepared, everything organized was good, I liked very much to be there.

Children´s Day.

Children´s Day

Hugo´s Blog´s 

Origen of the party:

International Children's Day is a celebration motion of the welfare and rights of children and girls, the official day is the 3rd Sunday of June each year according to the United Nations Organization. After World War II, it began to generate concern and awareness of the need for special protection for infants. One of the first activists on this issue was
Eglantyne Jebb, founder of Save the Children, which with the help of the International Committee of the Red Cross urged the adoption of the first Declaration of the Rights of Children. This statement was submitted for approval to the League of Nations, which would adopt and ratify the Geneva Declaration on the Rights of Children, on 26 September 1924. The following year, during the World Conference on Welfare Children, held also in Geneva, pleaded for the first time, the International Children's Day, pointing to this effect on June 1. In 1954, the United Nations General Assembly, by resolution 836 (IX) of 14 December, recommended that it be instituted in all countries Universal Children's Day and suggested governments to celebrate this day on the date that each one of them saw fit.

Tradicion of the party:

Girls and boys need a friendlier city to occur worthy things to learn, they need to feel safer to enjoy the city. Teenagers need cities that offer spaces to develop sports, music, art, safe environments, interesting, to make them feel loved capabilities advance, to break old patterns and adopt new ones that improve the city.Board gifts of several relatives, hide them in different places in your home and create a map for your child, a safe hunt gifts you'll love.If your child is loving animals and has long called for a pet, this is the perfect gift for this day adopt a pet,
a dog or a cat day are definitely the preferred choice of the smallest.
Family time is essential for the proper development of children so a family trip that includes sports activities will undoubtedly be a great day.In the area of ​​child and maternal survival, neonatal mortality rate for 2011 stood at 6.1 per 1000 live births. The infant mortality rate reached 10 per 1,000 live births in 2011. The child mortality (under 5 years) stood at 13.7 per 1,000 live births in 2011. The provinces as Cotopaxi, Chimborazo and Bolivar show rates significantly above the national average (22.4, 20.7 and 20.4, respectively).On the side of nutrition, the National Health and Nutrition Survey conducted between 2011 and 2013 showing chronic malnutrition in children under 5 years of 25.3%; that percentage goes up to 42.3 indigenous%. The same source shows that in the poorest economic quintile chronic malnutrition reaches 36.5%, while the richest reaches 13.8%. The provinces of Bolivar and Chimborazo have higher prevalences of 40%. The problem of malnutrition, also derives obesity problems. Almost 9% of children in preschool age, 30% of school age and 26% of adolescents are overweight.

Food and Music:

A treat (sweet tooth, and this Latin gulosus) is always sweet delicacy, whose only nutritional value is sugar (or other carbohydrates) or fat, little or no protein, vitamins and minerals, and is intended to satisfy a taste or will. His heavy drinking is a bad habit that has spread mainly in children, and can trigger health problems such as obesity, diabetes, tooth decay and even anemia, because it rarely provides iron and causes loss of appetite for nutritious foods. A bauble, Chuche or galguería is a more colloquial way of designating the goodies. There are also dietary based sweeteners such as sucralose or stevia rebaudiana treats, which are specially developed for persons regime but still remain a number of harmful for diabetics or others who try to lose weight sugar. Children's Day, Children's Day and Universal Children's Day and girl is a day devoted to brotherhood and understanding among children around the world and for activities for promoting the welfare and rights of children around the world. Its original name is the Day of children and recreation. He is also often called the Children's Day. April marks a celebration early childhood, specifically the last Saturday in April to celebrate Children's Day, all this lies in the commitment of the United Nations in relation to the importance and care that should be offered to children , which are the foundation of future generations.
It is experienced throughout the month of April, it is noteworthy that by Law 2 of 1991 and the National Constituent Assembly established a set of principles that protect this population considered vulnerable and also seeks to guarantee all their rights , the country wears colors and crayons. Similarly in various parts of the world commemorate Children's Day on different dates during the month of April.Ultimately both nations united as government agencies do everything possible to promote policies that benefit the population but the best policy is love , and above it there is nothing to compare with , rather than a benefit what children of the world need is love

Labor day

Labor day

Hugo´s Blog´s

Origen of the party:

The International Workers' Day or May Day is the celebration par excellence of the world labor movement. It is a journey that has been commonly used to perform different social and labor demands in favor of the working classes by essentially socialist movements , anarchists and communists , among others.Since its establishment in most countries (though considering holiday was often late ) by agreement of the Socialist Workers' Congress of the Second International , held in Paris in 1889 , it is a day of struggle and a tribute to the Martyrs Chicago .

Tradicion of the party:

These anarcho-syndicalists were executed in the United States to participate in the days of struggle for the achievement of the working day of eight hours, which originated in the strike that began on May 1, 1886 and its peak three days later, the May 4, at the Haymarket Riot. From then on it it became a day of protest for the rights of workers in general which is held in greater or lesser extent throughout the world. In the United States, Canada and other countries this commemoration is not celebrated. Instead Labor Day is celebrated in a parade held in New York and organized by the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor (Knights of Labor, in English) on the first Monday of September. US President Grover Cleveland hosted the celebration in September for fear that the May date would strengthen the socialist movement in the United States since 1882. Canada joined commemorate the first
Monday in September instead of May from 1894.
In the United States, Canada and other countries this commemoration is not celebrated. Instead Labor Day is celebrated in a parade held in New York and organized by the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor (Knights of Labor, in English) on the first Monday of September. US President Grover Cleveland hosted the celebration in September for fear that the May date would strengthen the socialist movement in the United States since 1882. Canada joined commemorate the first Monday in September instead of May from 1894.

Food and music:

One of the basic demands of the workers was the eight-hour day. One of the main objectives was to assert the maxim: "eight hours work, eight hours of leisure and eight hours of rest." In this context there were several movements; in 1829 a movement was formed to petition the legislature of New York's eight-hour day. Previously there was a law forbidding work more than 18 hours, "except in cases of necessity." If there was such a need, any officer of a railroad company that had forced a machinist or fireman to work days of 18 hours a day had to pay a fine of $ 25. Most of the workers were members of the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor, but had more preponderance the American Federation of Labor (American Federation of Labor), initially socialist (although some sources say his anarchist origin). In its fourth congress, held on October 17, 1884, it was decided that from 1 May 1886 the legal duration of the working day
should be eight hours, going on strike if this claim is not obtained and recommending all trade unions to be treated to make laws to that effect in their jurisdictions. This resolution aroused the interest of organizations, who saw the possibility of getting more jobs with the eight-hour day, reducing unemployment. In 1868, President Andrew Johnson signed the call Ingersoll Act, establishing the eight-hour day. Soon, nineteen states passed laws with maximum eight days and ten hours, but always with clauses that allowed increase them between 14 and 18 hours. Still, due to lack of compliance with the Law Ingersoll, labor unions and EE. UU. They mobilized. The mainstream press in the US, reactionary and aligning with business thesis, described the move as "outrageous and disrespectful," "delirium of unpatriotic lunatics" and said it was "the same as asking a salary is paid without matching working hour

sábado, 28 de mayo de 2016

The battle of Pichincha

The battle of Pichincha

Hugo´s Blog´s

origen of the independence:

The Battle of May 24 . THE BATTLE OF PICHINCHA May 24, 1822

It was the battle of liberation from Spanish rule . A historic moment for the republic
of Ecuador . History points to Marshal Antonio Jose de Sucre as the great manager
 of the Battle of Pichincha that gave way to a process of independence that materialize

after the August 10 Independence of Ecuador .

After the release of Guayaquil on October 9, 1820 , the country enters a deep overhaul 
of its identity and after two failed attempts to free themselves from oppression , the great 
battle occurs on the slopes of Pichincha volcano , hence history remembers that episode 
as the Battle of Pichincha.

Important events:

After setbacks and hours of waiting, on May 24 the battle under a blazing sun occurs. 
Despite the casualties, the victorious soldiers were climbing the summit of the 
volcano. Once at the top exlamaron victory and thus one of the most memorable in the
 history of Ecuador devoted days.
May 24 is considered a civic date of the heroes who gave their lives for freedom. With 
the Battle of Pichincha, Ecuador political independence that marked the beginning of 
the Republican and independent life of Ecuador was sealed.
On May 25, Sucre entered with his army to
 Quito where he announced the surrender of 
the establecidad Spanish troops in the territory
 that the government of Colombia called "
Department of Quito", considering it as an 
integral part of the Republic of Colombia 
since its inception, the December 17, 1819.

It was in 1822 , where Sucre decides to face 
the Spanish troops with 1,700 men over the 
days became 3000 thanks to San Martin. 
The big day was coming , it was the early 
morning of May 23 when troops silently run the Pichincha to plan what would be the battle
 of freedom and triumph.
 After setbacks and hours of waiting, on May 24 the battle under a blazing sun occurs. 
Despite the casualties, the victorious soldiers were climbing the summit of the volcano
 Once at the top exlamaron victory and thus one of the most memorable in the
 history of Ecuador devoted days .
May 24 is considered a civic date of the 
heroes who gave their lives for freedom. 
With the Battle of Pichincha, Ecuador political
 independence that marked the beginning of 
theRepublican and independent life of 
Ecuador was sealed .

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Mother´s day

Mother´s day

Hugo´s Blog

Origen of the party:

"The most beautiful word on the lips of a person is the word mother and sweetest call: my mother" Khalil Gibran

 "Mother" so short term that encompasses such a vast and profound significance from the point you want to give it.

From a biological perspective, the concept of "Mother" denotes the notion of survival of a race or a group of living things since it is responsible for ensuring the offspring of the species. In social terms the "mother" is the first social contact having a newborn with society. From the scientific point of view "mother" is the cause, root or origin from which something. So we could continue enumerating all that this great word means the end of all comes love, respect and protection.

 For all the above, our experts have wanted to send greetings to all our dear mothers wherever to find ... Happy day to all mothers in the world!


The first celebrations of Mother's Day dates back to ancient Greece, where he surrendered 
honor Rhea, the mother of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades gods. Also the Romans called this 
celebration the Hilaria when acquired from 
the Greeks. It was held on March 15 at
 the temple of Cybele for three days and 
offerings were made. Catholics transformed 
these celebrations to honor the Virgin Mary,
 mother of Jesus. In the Catholic 
calendar onDecember 8, the Feast of the 
Immaculate Conception, a date that 
Catholics adopted forthe celebration of 
Mother's Day is celebrated.In England 
in the seventeenth century, a similar
 event took place, also related to the Virgin, which Domingo called Mothering. 
The children attended mass and returnedhome with gifts for their mothers. In addition,
 as many people working for wealthy people and had the opportunity to stay in
 their homes, that Sunday was given the day off to visit their families.


Mother 's Day in Ecuador is held every year on the second Sunday in May , 
and its closest celebration the following the May 8, 2016 .
This day was created to pay tribute to that special and valuable in our lives woman,
 who helps us every day without expecting anything in return and always giving 
all her love .On this day , the mothers of Ecuador should be overwhelmed
 with caring for their families and especially their children, it will be more 
rewarding to know that their children love it.

domingo, 17 de abril de 2016



Hugos´s Blogs

Origen of the party:

Teacher's Day is a holiday in which we commemorate the people who make teaching their usual work as teachers.

The date of this celebration varies between different countries , while UNESCO suggests doing on October 5 , a practice that has been followed by many nations.

In 1943 , the First Conference of Ministers and Directors of Education of the American Republics , held in Panama , also proposed a unified date for the entire continent ; being chosen on September 11 , anniversary of the death of the statesman and Argentine educator Domingo Faustino Sarmiento . This date has continued commemorated in Argentina , but has been abandoned in the rest of the continent .

Important  Events

In 1920, President Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno decreed that on April 13 (the day he was born the famous and immortal writer Juan Maria Montalvo Ambato Fiallos in 1832) is Teacher's Day Ecuadorian. The life and work of Juan Montalvo were and remain
magisterial teachings for their moral and aesthetic value. As forger of youth, Juan Montalvo knew the inescapable need to instill in young people the values ​​of justice, freedom, honor, love of country. Juan Montalvo was the master of style, the great battler against tyrannies, the apostle of freedom, the saint of rebellion. Montalvo said: "Those who have not lost hope, live for freedom; since reason enlightens us, discurramos. A society that meets the face of the sun, no bad purposes; and being good yours is lawful thing and nothing threatening social community or for governments. We have seen tiranuelos dissolve through force family gatherings; others we have seen the police sort closing any group of three people pass. That's more than tyranny, is barbarism; more than barbarism, ineptitude; more than ineptitude, infamy. " In honor of this Juan huge Montalvo, the only one who dared to imitate Cervantes,
today celebrates the Day of the Ecuadorian Master, to pay a fair and deserved tribute to those women and men who have the unique ability to be drivers of childhood and youth. Today as yesterday, Ecuador needs of teachers, not only to give instruction, but especially to form the soul of adolescents and young people, to save democracy and the dignity of the country, to prepare men clean and clear soul and of will powerful, they are able to defend what Ecuador has reached today: physical and moral dignity.