domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

Open House of Amazonas High School

Open House of Amazonas High School

Hugo´s Blog´s 

The prestigious Amazonas High School is celebrating 55 years of foundation and as in every year, is celebrated in different courses of the institution, making several expositions on a given topic and also depends on the day that corresponds to the area or subject.
The opening of the Cultural Days of Amazonas College was on Friday, 20 May 2016, beginning with the presentation of the cheerleaders of the then institution Student and special groups Banda, that day I touch the area of physical culture and social sciences both gave shows and interesting presentations.
The area of physical culture introduced us a demonstration of parkour on the courts of the institution the presentation was magnificent, the area of Social Sciences showed a series of dance performances with traditional Ecuadorian music and with a little help from the teacher of English that is good people everything went perfect.

On Monday, May 23, the turn was the subject of English and at 10:30 on the 2nd course - I was given showed a series of exhibitions was more tourist about our country, places where we can visit and have a good experience, they told us places of our Coast, Sierra and Amazonia.

The presentations given that day were well prepared and very striking, since they gave us some information about a culture of our country and we showed a choreography of the subject they were trying, everything was very smart and well prepared.

Open House of the subject of English, I really liked because all students had prepared their lines and have made clear, all numbers were prepared perfectly, what they told us was concrete and very interesting to know a little more of the Tourist places in our country is good, I really liked.

What I did not like about the open house English was that there was plenty of sunshine and in the course we met was very narrow and had many people watching what you explained to us and among all those people the heat was much more intense, it was unbearable to be there, but to take notes was necessary to be there.

Open House English was very interesting, we got information places in our country that we visit, the dances they presented were well organized and highly coordinated with the song, the way to express was well prepared, everything organized was good, I liked very much to be there.

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