domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Mother´s day

Mother´s day

Hugo´s Blog

Origen of the party:

"The most beautiful word on the lips of a person is the word mother and sweetest call: my mother" Khalil Gibran

 "Mother" so short term that encompasses such a vast and profound significance from the point you want to give it.

From a biological perspective, the concept of "Mother" denotes the notion of survival of a race or a group of living things since it is responsible for ensuring the offspring of the species. In social terms the "mother" is the first social contact having a newborn with society. From the scientific point of view "mother" is the cause, root or origin from which something. So we could continue enumerating all that this great word means the end of all comes love, respect and protection.

 For all the above, our experts have wanted to send greetings to all our dear mothers wherever to find ... Happy day to all mothers in the world!


The first celebrations of Mother's Day dates back to ancient Greece, where he surrendered 
honor Rhea, the mother of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades gods. Also the Romans called this 
celebration the Hilaria when acquired from 
the Greeks. It was held on March 15 at
 the temple of Cybele for three days and 
offerings were made. Catholics transformed 
these celebrations to honor the Virgin Mary,
 mother of Jesus. In the Catholic 
calendar onDecember 8, the Feast of the 
Immaculate Conception, a date that 
Catholics adopted forthe celebration of 
Mother's Day is celebrated.In England 
in the seventeenth century, a similar
 event took place, also related to the Virgin, which Domingo called Mothering. 
The children attended mass and returnedhome with gifts for their mothers. In addition,
 as many people working for wealthy people and had the opportunity to stay in
 their homes, that Sunday was given the day off to visit their families.


Mother 's Day in Ecuador is held every year on the second Sunday in May , 
and its closest celebration the following the May 8, 2016 .
This day was created to pay tribute to that special and valuable in our lives woman,
 who helps us every day without expecting anything in return and always giving 
all her love .On this day , the mothers of Ecuador should be overwhelmed
 with caring for their families and especially their children, it will be more 
rewarding to know that their children love it.

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