domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

Children´s Day.

Children´s Day

Hugo´s Blog´s 

Origen of the party:

International Children's Day is a celebration motion of the welfare and rights of children and girls, the official day is the 3rd Sunday of June each year according to the United Nations Organization. After World War II, it began to generate concern and awareness of the need for special protection for infants. One of the first activists on this issue was
Eglantyne Jebb, founder of Save the Children, which with the help of the International Committee of the Red Cross urged the adoption of the first Declaration of the Rights of Children. This statement was submitted for approval to the League of Nations, which would adopt and ratify the Geneva Declaration on the Rights of Children, on 26 September 1924. The following year, during the World Conference on Welfare Children, held also in Geneva, pleaded for the first time, the International Children's Day, pointing to this effect on June 1. In 1954, the United Nations General Assembly, by resolution 836 (IX) of 14 December, recommended that it be instituted in all countries Universal Children's Day and suggested governments to celebrate this day on the date that each one of them saw fit.

Tradicion of the party:

Girls and boys need a friendlier city to occur worthy things to learn, they need to feel safer to enjoy the city. Teenagers need cities that offer spaces to develop sports, music, art, safe environments, interesting, to make them feel loved capabilities advance, to break old patterns and adopt new ones that improve the city.Board gifts of several relatives, hide them in different places in your home and create a map for your child, a safe hunt gifts you'll love.If your child is loving animals and has long called for a pet, this is the perfect gift for this day adopt a pet,
a dog or a cat day are definitely the preferred choice of the smallest.
Family time is essential for the proper development of children so a family trip that includes sports activities will undoubtedly be a great day.In the area of ​​child and maternal survival, neonatal mortality rate for 2011 stood at 6.1 per 1000 live births. The infant mortality rate reached 10 per 1,000 live births in 2011. The child mortality (under 5 years) stood at 13.7 per 1,000 live births in 2011. The provinces as Cotopaxi, Chimborazo and Bolivar show rates significantly above the national average (22.4, 20.7 and 20.4, respectively).On the side of nutrition, the National Health and Nutrition Survey conducted between 2011 and 2013 showing chronic malnutrition in children under 5 years of 25.3%; that percentage goes up to 42.3 indigenous%. The same source shows that in the poorest economic quintile chronic malnutrition reaches 36.5%, while the richest reaches 13.8%. The provinces of Bolivar and Chimborazo have higher prevalences of 40%. The problem of malnutrition, also derives obesity problems. Almost 9% of children in preschool age, 30% of school age and 26% of adolescents are overweight.

Food and Music:

A treat (sweet tooth, and this Latin gulosus) is always sweet delicacy, whose only nutritional value is sugar (or other carbohydrates) or fat, little or no protein, vitamins and minerals, and is intended to satisfy a taste or will. His heavy drinking is a bad habit that has spread mainly in children, and can trigger health problems such as obesity, diabetes, tooth decay and even anemia, because it rarely provides iron and causes loss of appetite for nutritious foods. A bauble, Chuche or galguería is a more colloquial way of designating the goodies. There are also dietary based sweeteners such as sucralose or stevia rebaudiana treats, which are specially developed for persons regime but still remain a number of harmful for diabetics or others who try to lose weight sugar. Children's Day, Children's Day and Universal Children's Day and girl is a day devoted to brotherhood and understanding among children around the world and for activities for promoting the welfare and rights of children around the world. Its original name is the Day of children and recreation. He is also often called the Children's Day. April marks a celebration early childhood, specifically the last Saturday in April to celebrate Children's Day, all this lies in the commitment of the United Nations in relation to the importance and care that should be offered to children , which are the foundation of future generations.
It is experienced throughout the month of April, it is noteworthy that by Law 2 of 1991 and the National Constituent Assembly established a set of principles that protect this population considered vulnerable and also seeks to guarantee all their rights , the country wears colors and crayons. Similarly in various parts of the world commemorate Children's Day on different dates during the month of April.Ultimately both nations united as government agencies do everything possible to promote policies that benefit the population but the best policy is love , and above it there is nothing to compare with , rather than a benefit what children of the world need is love

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