The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all hollidays.
Always the begining of the year was held on the date on wich it grew up inclusive, there are still many people today who celebrate it between the beginning of March and the end of April as in Iran, Iraq and India. It was first celebrated in ancient babylon about 4000 years ago the Babylonia New Year began with the first new moon (the first new moon) after the first day of spring (vernal equinox)
Food and Music:
There is a popular saying that "New Year, New Life", but there is a time when human beings tend to repeat tradicions, is, among others, the change of year. Regardless of the calendar itsef as it responds to cencrete historical circumtances, somewhat whimsical fire and begin a new year is an event that all cultures considered paramount. So it is no surprise to find food and tradicional New Year foods wordwide. The Old New Year or orthodox old year is an unofficial holiday celebreted in oOrthodex religious tradition the countries. The festival is the beginning of the year according to Julian list fixtures, which in the twentieth and twenty first centuaries is January 14.
Tradicions and Activities:
Inmediately it spends Christmas many people are engaged in elaborate paper doll, old clothes, or any material that many serve as a filler to go shaping the character you want to dismiss, plus fireworks placed inside of it, in the great Most are peolpe who made news, politicians, celebrites or other cases, is a menber of the family. It seeks a mask that best approximates the face of the person chosen and ready your old standby midnight December 31 to say goodbye to this world. It is a symbolic way to say goodbye to year gone. It is a tradicion in which the entire family is imvolved, it is very fun to eath as slowly taking shape, the business achived extraordinary works of ast, creating a true impression.
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