sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2015


  Hugo´s Blogs


Origen the party:

Where Christmas it originates? What the Bible or the from paganism? What is the real origin of Santa Claus mistletoe Christmas trees flower garlants and the custom of exchangigg gifts? Many are concerned about "put Christ back in Christmas" Does he was there ever?
 Each year, the day after Thanksigiving, most peoples´s thoughts turn to Christmas This the time professing Christians are supposed focus on Jesus Christ. After all, it is the season of the Nativity.
Rudolph the red nosed reinder, wreaths of the flowers, decorated trees, mistletoe, seasonal greeting, seasonal music, chestnuts roasing on an open fire and Santa Claus are all associated with this holiday, All these warn celebrate those feelings.

 Food and music:

Typical  Christmas meals have some lovely, partly because the annual routine they produce, and partly because they are special dishes that sometimes only comes once a year, and the expectation that generate added more an incentive to the already if happy holidays.
For those who are curious what the tradicional Christmas recipes in our conuntry and in Europe, or want to start in the mos authentic Christmas Kitchen.  
Carol, as its name suggests, is the song of town; wich served to record the daily life of the people. According to some historians,Carol emerged in the thirteenth centuaty, and was released in Spain in the XV-XVI centuaries, and Latin America since the seventeeth centuary. In the beginning it was a Spanish poetic form, and means song of the village or a peasant song because, apparently, was a rustic song of villains or villagers at their parties, with simple musical structure and used it as record of the esencential facts of a region.


 Tradicions and Activities:

 Christmas tradicion vary from country to country. Some of the elements common to several countries are the Christmas tree. Advent wreaths, socks hung on the chimney, candy canes and belensque representing the birth of Jesus Carols are sung and stories abaut figures lke the child Jesus, San Nicholas, Father Christmas. Kris Kringleo the father Frost counted. Christmas cards are send greetings are exchanged, fasting and other religious rulers as Midnigth MAss on Christmas Eve or the eve seen, trunk Christmas lights.

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