domingo, 17 de abril de 2016



Hugos´s Blogs

Origen of the party:

Teacher's Day is a holiday in which we commemorate the people who make teaching their usual work as teachers.

The date of this celebration varies between different countries , while UNESCO suggests doing on October 5 , a practice that has been followed by many nations.

In 1943 , the First Conference of Ministers and Directors of Education of the American Republics , held in Panama , also proposed a unified date for the entire continent ; being chosen on September 11 , anniversary of the death of the statesman and Argentine educator Domingo Faustino Sarmiento . This date has continued commemorated in Argentina , but has been abandoned in the rest of the continent .

Important  Events

In 1920, President Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno decreed that on April 13 (the day he was born the famous and immortal writer Juan Maria Montalvo Ambato Fiallos in 1832) is Teacher's Day Ecuadorian. The life and work of Juan Montalvo were and remain
magisterial teachings for their moral and aesthetic value. As forger of youth, Juan Montalvo knew the inescapable need to instill in young people the values ​​of justice, freedom, honor, love of country. Juan Montalvo was the master of style, the great battler against tyrannies, the apostle of freedom, the saint of rebellion. Montalvo said: "Those who have not lost hope, live for freedom; since reason enlightens us, discurramos. A society that meets the face of the sun, no bad purposes; and being good yours is lawful thing and nothing threatening social community or for governments. We have seen tiranuelos dissolve through force family gatherings; others we have seen the police sort closing any group of three people pass. That's more than tyranny, is barbarism; more than barbarism, ineptitude; more than ineptitude, infamy. " In honor of this Juan huge Montalvo, the only one who dared to imitate Cervantes,
today celebrates the Day of the Ecuadorian Master, to pay a fair and deserved tribute to those women and men who have the unique ability to be drivers of childhood and youth. Today as yesterday, Ecuador needs of teachers, not only to give instruction, but especially to form the soul of adolescents and young people, to save democracy and the dignity of the country, to prepare men clean and clear soul and of will powerful, they are able to defend what Ecuador has reached today: physical and moral dignity.