viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016


 Hugo´s Blog


Origen of the party:

The Easter Triduum expression applied to the annual feasts of the Passion and Resurrection, is relatively recent , as it does not go back beyond the thirties of our century ; but since the late fourth century St. Ambrose spoke of a Triduum Sacrum to refer to the stages of the paschal mystery of Christ , for three days, et passus est, et quievit et resurrexit .

Dazzled by the historical reality of the death of Christ , the early Church felt the need to celebrate liturgically this salvific event , through a memorial rite where , in obedience to the express command of the Lord, sacramentally renew his sacrifice.

Thus , during the early stages of the life of the Church , the Lord's Passover cyclically commemorated , from the eucharistic assembly convened the first day of the week , day of the Lord's resurrection ( dominicus dies ) or Sunday.


Gastronomy of Easter is for all culinary customs and all foods allowed during 
the holy period of Christianity and often pass from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday,
 from the liturgical point of view. Each country (with some representation or Christian
 group) usually have a set of dishes, or preparations, characteristic of this date generally 
not usually Carnal content due to abstinence observed during this periodo.La meat is main 
object of abstinence, It covers both red meat (beef, veal, lamb) as white meat (goat, lamb, pork) 
and hunting. 

 Tradicions and Activities 

Maundy Thursday religious tradition in our country is to visit 7 churches at least asking God for 
forgiveness of our sins so did onlyforyoung . com and visited nine churches just in case. here I leave 
our beautiful city at night .Temples and parks, not stop doing the tour we did is excellent as the
 arrangement of lights and caring for plants in the parks gives 
an artistic image to our city , a mix of 
colonial and modern merge into the night the city of Ibarra.
 We also added some photos of typical Ecuadorian dish here
 La Fanesca read a brief history of typical
 dish .